Relationships and Connections are essential
Attachment to the secure self
Attachment Repair and Processing Therapy (ARPT)®
A secure and authentic relationship with the self empowers and nurtures all interpersonal relationships and intimate partnerships through genuine connection. Therefore, securely attached individuals and couples thrive rather than being stuck in relational survival states and strategies, which often are passed down intergenerationally.
The seven clinical steps of ARPT™ support individuals and couples in becoming their own secure/primary attachment figures and turning their interpersonal and intimate relationships into safe havens for themselves and each other. Through ARPT’s seven steps, disintegrated relationships and rejected parts of the self, as well as the partner, are seen, heard, listened to and validated through the secure attachment figure who brings security, intimacy, positive communication, co-regulation, predictability, differentiation, clarity, boundaries and safety to the daily life of individuals and couples.
The core clinical issues which ARPT® successfully addresses are:
Lack of connection with self
Self-esteem and self-worth issues
Losing oneself in intimate relationships
Attachment Trauma and Attachment Loss
Feeling unworthy or not good enough
Insecure attachment styles and patterns
Complex Trauma and PTSD
Abandonment and self-abandonment
Rejection and fear of rejection
Affairs and intimate betrayal
Loss and Grief
Loss of Authenticity (People-pleasing)
Struggles with Self-forgiveness
Complex Trauma and PTSD in intimate relationships
Communication issues in dual trauma couples
Jealousy and envy in intimate relationships
Co-dependence in intimate relationships
Colonial Complex Trauma and Residential School Trauma
ARPT® is a systemic and relational treatment modality which expands the use and application of Attachment Theory and EMDR's AIP model while respecting and valuing individuals’ and couples’ gender, identity, relational, cultural, ethnic, spiritual, intergenerational, social and existential contexts and experiences.
ARPT® focuses on:
ARPT™ Framework
ARPT's Seven Clinical Steps
Step 1 - History and Assessment
Step 2 - Attachment Resourcing Process
Step 3 - Attachment Mapping and Attachment Blueprints for individuals/couples
Step 4 - Attachment Repair Process
Step 5- Attachment Processing Process
Step 6 - Re-evaluation of Attachment Repair and Attachment Processing Process
Step 7 - Closure